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Claremont Youth Basketball

Claremont Youth Basketball

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can play in CYB?Any boy or girl can register for CYB who is in the 1st grade to 12th grade. Preference is given to Claremont residents, or attendees of Claremont schools, but usually all players who register on time will be included
When can I register my child to play in CYB?Online registration opens September 1 and closes in mid to late October. The CYB website is
Who can coach in CYB?Anyone who would like to coach a team in the CYB League will be considered. There are no prior coaching requirements or certifications needed. We do ask that coaches have a good understanding of the basics of the sport.
How much does it cost to participate in the CYB League?The CYB League and CYB3 registration amount is $195. This includes a uniform, basketball, photo package (individual and team), and professional referees.
How much does it cost to participate in the CYB Clinic?The CYB Clinic registration amount is $85. This includes a uniform top, basketball, and group photo.
Do you have scholarships available for registration in CYB?Yes. If you have a reduced or free lunch program letter from CUSD, a discount is available.
When do CYB League teams practice?The CYB League teams practice schedule is based upon the coaches choice. Usually, teams practice 1-2 times/week, with one being held inside at El Roble Junior High School. They last 1 hour and begin between 4pm and 8pm.
When are the games in the CYB League played?The CYB League games usually take place on Sundays and start between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. The season lasts from November to February, with games starting in December.
What is the difference between the CYB League and CYB3 and the CYB Clinic?The CYB Clinic is an educational division for 1st/2nd graders only. We concentrate on teaching fundamentals to the players. The CYB Clinic meets only once a week on Sundays at 1pm starting in January.
The CYB League is for 3rd to 8th graders and is team-based, with coaches and weekly practices.
CYB3 is the high school division. It is a 3v3 league and is team-based, with coaches and weekly practices/gym time in addition to Sunday games.
Can I request players to play with in the CYB League?In the CYB League, there are drafts held in each division, so player requests are noted to coaches, but are not guaranteed.
How many divisions are in the CYB League?There are 5 divisions in the CYB League. Each division is male or female only. The Boys divisions are called B1, B2, and B3. B1 is our oldest division. It is for 7th/8th graders. B2 is for 5th/6th graders, and B3 is for 3rd/4th graders.
The Girls divisions are called G1 and G2. Because our female registration is lower, our girls divisions include 3 grade levels. G1 is for 6th/7th/8th graders, and G2 is for 3rd/4th/5th graders. If registration totals increase, we will have 3 girls divisions as well.
The CYB3 division is Co-Ed and open to anyone currently enrolled in high school.


Claremont Youth Basketball
2058 N. Mills Ave #432 
Claremont, California 91711

Email: [email protected]

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